
Finding Harmony: Navigating Life and Emotions Through Music and Memories of My Father

Finding Harmony: Navigating Life and Emotions Through Music and Memories of My Father The Spiritual Care Fund is helping me spend two days in Macon, Georgia, the home of the Allmans…Their music has played an integral part in my life, helping me connect to the universe through music. Perhaps this journey can help me try […]

Finding Harmony: Navigating Life and Emotions Through Music and Memories of My Father Read More »

Understanding Spiritual Pain: From Intuition to Intentional Care

As a Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) Supervisor-Educator, I have the privilege of guiding experienced ministers on the journey of becoming clinical chaplains. These ministers have often been intuitively offering spiritual care for decades. They possess a remarkable sense of relational empathy, often knowing just the right words to say or the perfect moment to offer

Understanding Spiritual Pain: From Intuition to Intentional Care Read More »

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